Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Michael Cherney Foundation Reinforces A United Jerusalem

Michael Cherney Foundation Reinforces A United Jerusalem

Michael Cherney: "My Foundation will continue
to support Israel and a united Jerusalem."

By Herb Brandon
Israel News Agency
Jerusalem ---- May 23, 2011 .... The Michael Cherney Foundation is continuing in assisting various cultural, humanitarian and charitable projects that are critical to Israel's growth. One of many projects dedicated to Israel and keeping Jerusalem united is the publication of a brochure by a non-profit, non-partisan organization "Keep Jerusalem" which educates people about the importance of a united Jerusalem under Israel sovereignty.
The Michael Cherney Foundation, together with "Keep Jerusalem", feels that there is an essential need to replace Islamic distortions of historical realities with basic facts, which support Israel's right to sustain Jerusalem as her united capital.
One organization that enjoys continued assistance from the Cherney Foundation is "Meeting Place" which is presently expanding its network of training groups. The concept behind "Meeting Place" is gathering different Israelis - secular and religious, men and women - around classical Jewish texts.
In May of 2011 two new study groups were created consisting of a group for the study of Jewish mystical texts - the book of Azriel and the Zohar (which takes place in Jerusalem) and a study group which is being held in a peripheral and somewhat underdeveloped city of Lod, making it a significant educational and cultural contribution to that area. Regular groups for study of the Talmud and tales of Rabbi Nachman are continuing as well in Jerusalem.
Another activity that "Meeting Place" coordinates is ascends to the Temple Mount to hold Bar Mitzvah celebrations. With assistance from the Michael Cherney Foundation and a large preliminary work and advertising, the idea for this is spreading rapidly. One such celebration of a bar-mitzvah took place for a Russia boy from the Zacharias family. The ascend was attended by more than 20 people, including six children of various ages, relatives from the US as well as the crew from Israel TV Channel 9. Such ascends serve to stimulate interest in the subject of Temple Mount for the wider secular Russian-speaking Israelis.
A non-profit organization "Pri," which also enjoys prolonged support from the Michael Cherney Foundation, created a play "The Wanderer," which premiered at Pesach. The play is a story of a Jewish traveler who gets into different situations and learns the lessons of life experiences, love and wisdom.
The performers themselves invented and created decorations, costumes and took part in developing the script. The performance involved both Jewish children and adults. The audience reacted very vividly to the play, which turned out to be a lively, creative and dynamic holiday! After the play children were presented with gifts.
The Michael Cherney Foundation strongly believes that cultural and educational programs such as these have an enormous and positive impact on Israel's growth and development.
The Michael Cherney Foundation is a charitable foundation created by Michael Cherney, a Russia born Israel entrepreneur. Cherney defines the mission of the Foundation as to help democratic nations in their war on terrorism and assist fellow émigrés to Israel from Russia and other post-Soviet nations realize their intellectual potential and become successfully integrated into the Israel society.
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