Saturday, June 7, 2008

Michael Cherney Foundation News: Help to a Father of 4

SOS to Father of Four Children

Igor Sh. is an Israeli father of 4 children, ages 5-17 and is now caught in an absurd hardship.
While receiving allowance from the Israel National Insurance Institution (Bituah Leaumi) he started a leadership course in Seminar Ha’Kibutzim, which led to cancellation of the payment from National Insurance Institution and a 7,000 NIS penalty fee for studying while receiving the allowance.
As of today, his family survives on 1000 NIS from Israel Ministry of Development and 1000 NIS for his children from the National Insurance Institution -out of which they deduct 500 NIS for penalty payment.

In contrast to this harmful policy of bureaucrats from the National Insurance Institution, the Michael Cherney Foundation rendered financial assistance to this family so that they could buy food, pay their electric and telephone bills.

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